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We publish a blog post every week on Thursday. We cover a range of topics related to reptiles, fish, bio-active setups, and plants. Below you will find a wealth of information for your reading pleasure. Enjoy!

Wait! You Mean I Can Clean and Reuse Substrate?

Sep 6th 2018

Wait! You Mean I Can Clean and Reuse Substrate?

What do you think of when you think about substrate for your exotic pet? Most likely, you picture loose material like gravel, sand, or wood chips. Or maybe tiles come to mind.But did you know there’s actually another option? … read more >
How to Prep Next Year's Garden

Posted by Diedra Blackmill on Aug 16th 2018

How to Prep Next Year's Garden

Are you already thinking about what you’d like to grow next spring? Fall is on the way, and many outdoor gardens are winding down. Maybe you got a rough start to this year’s garden, and you’d like to do a better job next time … read more >
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