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Compost tea is a mild fertilizer than promotes the growth of beneficial microbes in your growing medium and on foliage. It does not have the higher levels of nutrients that more potent fertilizers have. But it is an excellent way to boost the health of your plants by creating a more hospitable environment. It is fairly easy to make your own fermented brew to encourage microbial growth around your plants. So the question you may be asking is, should I make my own compost tea or just buy some?

Making your own compost tea

The simplest way to make compost tea at home is to simply draw off the liquid from your existing compost pile. You can purchase special compost tea containers made specifically to allow you to drain the liquid that collects at the bottom of your compost. Or you can mix your well-decomposed compost with water; steep it for a few days; and strain out the solids.

The caveat is that it will take a while to get a good compost pile going if you don’t already have one. You see, compost tea is not just watered down trash. When your waste composts, it is growing a huge colony of bacteria that can do all kinds of amazing things for your plants. In nature, decomposer bacteria thrive in the soil. But for indoor gardeners, you have to replicate this phenomenon, and a colony of compost microbes does the trick.

What you don’t want is a stinky pile of rotting trash. When composting is done correctly, it is like fermenting food. The microorganisms should stabilize and turn the organic waste (like yard cuttings and egg shells) into rich soil-like material.

Pre-made compost tea

Pre-made compost teas can be purchased at many gardening retailers. You don’t need to worry too much about pre-made compost tea being weaker than what you make at home. If it has been prepared properly, the beneficial microorganisms in the tea should continue thriving as long as the mixture contains something they can metabolize.

Remember, compost teas are fermented, so this works in much the same way as when you buy yogurt to increase your own beneficial bacteria. The healthy microbes in your yogurt stay active while it rests on the grocery store shelf, and the microbes in a pre-made compost tea will do the same.

The truth is that both homemade and pre-made compost teas confer similar benefits to your garden. But you will spend a bit more money to buy the tea rather than gather the materials to make your own. It comes down to a question of whether you would rather spend money or time on the nutrients provided by compost tea. You should also consider whether you have adequate space to house compost and its fermenting liquid.

Pre-made compost teas are also a great option when you are waiting for your own compost pile to reach the right state of decomposition. Check out our compost teas and indoor gardening tips at Indoor Cultivator.