Specially formulated with the health of bearded dragons in mind, Nature Zone Bearded Dragon Bites Reptile Food makes an excellent source of nutrition for bearded dragons. Not only does this special reptile food formula provide your pet bearded dragons with complete nutrition they need by containing over 50 amino acids (proteins), vitamins and minerals, but this remarkable bearded dragon food formula boasts a color and a flavor that most bearded dragons simply cannot resist. These convenient little food bites are ready-to-eat and simple to serve to your pet beardies, as there is no need to moisten or mix with water. Containing isolated proteins and carbohydrates, this reptile food formula is easily digestible by both juveniles and adult bearded dragons. With these soft, moist gel bites already cut in the perfect size for a bearded dragon to consume, there is no need for you to do anything else. These convenient bite-sized pieces are ready to eat and eliminate any further slicing or dicing on your part. Simply add a portion to your bearded dragon's feeding dish and watch your beardie eat with delight. Formulated for balanced nutrition, these bearded dragon bites promote natural growth in herps.